Theme Essay by Anna Shane Stadick
To live in the unknown, in the uncomfortable, is a challenge for Christians and writers alike.
To live in the unknown, in the uncomfortable, is a challenge for Christians and writers alike.
Part of me was always glad my mother found a way to cast off the shackles of her ordinary consciousness.
Which came first, the drugs or the schizophrenia?
How is madness inherited? What are the fine lines that connect us?
Words have the power to bless or curse, whether they’re spoken, written, or thought.
I was, at that point in my life, an authority on nothing, except maybe seizures.
Emotions she didn’t dare express out loud would appear at the end of her paintbrush.
She wanted to penetrate the shells in the way doctors would when performing a procedure on her.
I’m uncomfortable around ambulances or the overdressed crowds outside funeral parlors.
Whatever kind of poetry you write, it’s hard not to get discouraged.