Open Letter by J.p. Lawrence
I don’t know if I would have done what you did under the same circumstances.
I don’t know if I would have done what you did under the same circumstances.
When I read liberal commenters damning you with faint praise, I see ugly attitudes about women exposed.
In literary circles, nonfiction writing is often called everything but journalism.
Should parents ever censor what their kids read?
It’s no surprise to me that YA readers still prefer print.
It bothered the hell out of me that people were standing in line waiting for midnight sales of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
In the battle over submission fees, what troubles me most is the idea that writers do everything and editors do nothing.
The Internet has burrowed inside my head and laid eggs, and it feels like they’re all hatching.
Wildness doesn’t just exist in facing off a lion with a burning branch.
I don’t believe in an afterlife. I’m not worried I’ll come back as a tampon.