placing a pebble
on his son's grave…
winter solstice
swimming laps
the pool full
of unspoken words
cherry trees
blossoming in the park
my silence
harvest moon
hanging over the fields
my prayers
trying to balance
the spirit level
opsimath looking up
a bee bumbling
in the flower garden
your words a blur
fog rising out of the river the honk of geese
Art Information
- "The Seed that Fell on Rock" © Ansy Wong; used by permission.
Louisa Howerow's haiku and longer line poetry have appeared in various online and print publications, including Fear of Dancing: The Red Moon Anthology of English-Language Haiku (Red Moon Press, 2013), Not Somewhere Else but Here: A Contemporary Anthology of Women and Place (Sundress Publications, 2014), and I Found It at the Movies: An Anthology of Film Poems (Guernica Editions, 2014).